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Pulse Diagnosis




24 CEU

About the Course

How accurate are your pulse-taking skills?

Because Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) predates medical imaging and laboratory tests, it teaches us to utilize our five senses to diagnose a patient. One such diagnostic method is pulse-taking. A TCM practitioner palpates the pulse at multiple locations and levels and note its shape and quality. The resulting pulse image is the equivalent of a medical body scan.

Given the complexity of and subjectivity of TCM pulse-taking, it is one of the most difficult skills to hone; thus, many practitioners rely on the patient interview to inform their diagnosis. However, accurate pulse-taking can provide a quicker and clearer assessment, and can be learned with guidance from an experienced practitioner.

Practice pulse diagnosis with Dr. Ching Ching Chi, L.Ac., PhD., at this 24 CEU course. Dr. Chi will teach the theory of pulse-taking as informed by the classics and her clinical experience. She will also guide hands-on practice.

This course will take place on Sundays from September 25th to October 30th from 2-6pm. These sessions will be online, with at least one hands-on session on Sunday, October 16th, 1-5pm at Five Branches, San Jose campus; additional in-person sessions are to be determined.

To register, please submit the following form:


Practitioners: $840

Students: $720

Your Instructor

Dr. Ching Ching Chi

Dr. Ching Ching Chi

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